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Adolphus Chris
3 min readAug 21, 2019

Yeah, this is what most of us have definitely been waiting for. During this internship, I will not even deceive you because you will need enough data. Like enough. Today, I will be giving us some useful tips which will help reduce how we consume data to be able to manage our data through out the internship. I hope you find this helpful, plus the internship will always provide interns with stipends as they proceed to help cover for data also.

Read to the end 👇Other nice tips there.


Download an Ad Blocker on Your Browser:

One way of reducing data consumption is by installing an AD Blocker on your browser. What this does is, it cuts away unnecessary pages and contents that will consume your data while browsing on a page, or watching a content on a web page.

Save Web Pages

This is a life saver. Saving web pages for offline access. Now what I do when I am low on Data is, I download the webpages of the sites I am currently accessing. Normally it will take about 60kb most times to download a webpage which takes less data that actually browsing the page live. Now here is how to apply this. When you want to make a research or follow a page’s tutorial, you will use your data to load all the pages at once, then save the pages. Afterwards, you should turn off your data, and you will still be able to access the contents of the saved websites pages.

Subscribe To Midnight Plans

All Nigerian network service providers have night plans. I know we all don’t like these guys, but hey, we are stuck with them. 😆 What I will advise is, when you have heavy tutorials or videos to download, make use of those cheaper night plans so you don’t use your normal subscription. This will definitely save you a lot of money. Stop sleeping 😂

Download Slack On Your Mobile Phone

Now if you are a windows user, and you make use of windows 10, bro, sis, windows 10 consumes data a lot. What you should do is, avoid using slack app on your laptop as often as possible except when needed, else you should always use the slack from your mobile device.

Tips To Help Keep Your Cool During This Internship

Sounds funny right, yeah I know. I lost my cool during the internship. Like I really lost it. Okay I will be brief. This is just an added flavor to the already sweet pie.

Tip 1

If your laptop is below 4gb ram, please don’t attempt android development and don’t install android studio at least for now, until you can get or borrow a better laptop. I am begging you. 😆

Tip 2

If your laptop is above 4gb ram but below 8gb ram, you can download and run android studio, but please don’t ever run android studio, slack app, and google chrome simultaneously. I am begging you, so you don’t break your laptop😂

Tip 3

For android development, please try to avoid running a virtual emulator. Try to use your physical device as much as possible.

Tip 4

Please if your laptop is not really good enough, don’t attempt machine learning for now, unless you can lend a good laptop from a friend, or get one for the duration of this internship.

Tip 6

Focus on a niche during this internship. Even if you are tempted to become a super hero who did both front end, backend, design, digital marketing and machine learning during this internship, focus on one track and excel there.

Tip 7

Don’t feel intimidated. DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED.

If you have any other tip, to managing data, please drop below as I will keep updating this article frequently as I get more tips.

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Have fun while learning.

