Adolphus Chris
4 min readAug 19, 2019

Truth be told, you never wrote any entrance exam or completed any task before you got accepted into this internship. Did you? No! Now you are in, your only aim should be about surviving this internship and being among the finalist so you can boldly kickstart your career in tech, and live that tech life you already crave for. 😃

Today, I will be sharing with you some tips on how to go past this internship, and become a finalist, and yes, if everyone who reads this now, apply what will be taught and said here, you should be rest assured to survive this internship.

Tips To Surviving HNG Internship

Obey Rules, Regulations And Instructions.

The first step to surviving the internship is by obeying rules, regulations and instructions. Where there is no law, there is no sin and like every other institution, the HNG has some basic rules and regulations which must be obeyed strictly. Some people always find a way of disobeying and neglecting simple instruction and this will be the reason why so many interns will get disqualified. Don’t be in a haste to do things, don’t follow the crowd. Always relax and make sure to follow instructions. HNG internship is structured in a way that there will always be an instruction and guide for every task or process. I can’t over emphasize this, but you must follow instruction and rules.

Never Assume Anything

This is what almost every mentor will tell you. The day you start to assume is the day you will be disqualified from the internship. Never assume that tasks will be given at night or morning, or there is no important message because it’s the early hours of the morning. Whatever you do during this internship, always be on the look out.

Follow Mentors On Other Social Networks

I remember during the previous internship, Mark will always say that if you get disabled and removed from the internship, you should message a mentor on twitter. Yeah, this helped me a lot. You can ask Xyluz 🔥. Following your mentors on social media platform where you can message them directly is very essential. You might get kicked out of the internship and just a single message to a mentor via other social platforms can restore you. Never forget this.

Try To Get Involved

This is a trick many do not know, but to go far in this internship, make sure to get involved as much as possible. If there is an opening to lead a team, make sure to jump on it. If there is an opportunity to help a fellow intern out, do not let it slide. This internship goes deeper than grooming your technical skill, we are also on the lookout for great soft skills which include leadership, teamwork, communication, grit, among other things. Always try to get involved. Do not hide under the crowd, standout.

You Are Not The Worst

Yeah, one of the major personal problem you would face here is impostor syndrome. When you see other interns making waves and doing things, you will definitely get discouraged and want to quit, the trick is to not quit. You are doing just fine and keep at it. Just keep working and never stop working hard, you will get there eventually. It takes time yeah, and you will definitely get there with hard work.

Own Your Learning

To survive this internship, you need to grab the bull by the horn. What I am saying in essence is, you need to own your learning, and become responsible for your own successes and failures. Materials will be shared and tutorials will be given to you, but truth be told, you need to go all out on your own to get more resources and knowledge to excel. At this stage, google should be your best companion. There is no challenge you face that is new on the face of the earth. Someone somewhere have encountered same issue, solved it, and the solution is somewhere on the internet. All you have to do is search for it.

Always Complete Tasks

If you really want to survive this internship, you must always complete general or individual tasks. There is no excuse if you fail to complete given tasks. These tasks are what the mentors will use to track your individual progress and make sure to help you get better, so whatever you do, make sure to complete or attempt tasks. There is no task that is beyond you. We believe in you all.

Network With Fellow Interns

Networking among fellow interns is very essential in completing this internship. You might be missing out on an important information and a fellow intern can just call you to pass the information to you.

Download Slack On Every Device You Have

During this internship, there is no special time or dull moment. Always make sure to have slack opened and readily available. Try to always be available on slack as much as you can. During this internship program, no one sleeps. 😃Always keep your eye on slack for the next instruction or task.

In all you do during this internship, never forget to have fun while learning, be happy and whatever challenge you face during this internship, you are more than able to overcome it. You are all champions and champions always win. Have the mindset of a champion because greatness awaits us all.

Do not forget to drop your comments and clap if this was helpful.

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